Not Pass Away

As we begin our reading today in Joshua 24:21, the people of God, under the leadership of Joshua declared, “we will serve the LORD”. That sounds righteous and true; but because they declared that they would serve God in the presence of many witnesses, it was powerful. Notice what Joshua said in verse 22. Yes, they reaffirmed it. So Joshua took them to the next step, verse 23. Now they had the key to be able to keep their oath. “Put away, he said, the strange gods which are among you, and incline your heart unto the LORD GOD of Israel.

That is not a “one and done”. Purposely going through and removing everything they owned and everything they thought and did that was not pleasing to God, from that day forward was the beginning of a personal spiritual journey with their God.

You will notice that Joshua told them in verse 19 that they were not able to serve the LORD, for He is “an Holy God”, a “Jealous (won’t share you with anyone) God”. This tells us that they weren’t operating on the same level in their covenant with God. Could they do what they pledged to do, from that day forward? Well, we know it did not last.

This was recorded for our benefit. Jesus has now payed the price. Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 1:21-23; and 1Peter 1:13-16 will help us walk our path. What man is not able to do, God is more than able. Lets close with this—

Jesus speaking in Luke 21:23, said that His Words would not pass away. Well, He is the Word come in the Flesh. John 1:14. Selah!

Pastor Joan

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